
Everything you need to order your holidays


The most anticipated time of year to request your days off is coming: summer! This time is usually the most requested by workers to ask for vacations. However, when it comes to managing absences with your work team, it's always difficult to organize ourselves.

In this article, we want to tell you how you can request your vacation days easily and quickly, without having to use emails, WhatsApp messages, or shared documents. The goal is for you to avoid waiting and to have the quickest possible response! Without so many questions!

Use a management software for your business

You just need to use management software for your business, such as taclia.

With taclia, you can have your business's day-to-day operations under control, from customer contacts, your internal tasks, your stock products, ‍your budgets and invoices, and much more!

Among all our features, the one that suits you best for recording all your worked hours is the Time Control Functionality. In addition to being able to clock in real time, you can also manually add your hours, download your monthly time logs, see your shifts...

And most importantly for your vacation, in the "My Absences" section, you can check all your absences and add a new one instantly.

Añade una ausencia desde "Mis ausencias".

Once you request your days off, the administrator will receive a notification and can decide with just one click whether to reject or approve your request.

El administrador aprueba o deniega tu solicitud.

In "My Absences", you can find out at any time if your absence has been approved.

Congratulations! You can go on vacation now 😎

No more long Excels, internal schedule disorganization, because with taclia, you will comply with the law, have everything organized to review whenever you want, and avoid misunderstandings with your colleagues. You will know when they go on vacation without bothering anyone.

Find out what taclia is. Your easy and intuitive tool you need for your business!

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