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Example of part of a job well done

Cómo configurar reservas con taclia

A piece of work done well provides your company with the organization and efficiency necessary to function properly. Generally, it is a task that operators usually do quickly and without giving it too much importance, but for the businessman it is the way to control all tasks and services which are carried out in the company in an exhaustive manner.

The role has been the traditional support of the parts of working with the handicaps that these accumulate, such as the difficulty of organizing them when you have a large volume of parts, the possibility of losing those parts and the other administrative tasks that accompany them.

In this article, we provide you with a work part model and we explain to you how a task and service management software with which your operators fill in the parts.

What is a work report?

Work parts are a type of form that collects information about tasks performed by the operator in the service. Usually, the necessary data about the service is included to know what has been done and in how long it took.

A piece of work well done serves to improve the productivity of your company, since through them you can have exhaustive control of how your operators work and, in case of lack of effectiveness, be able to detect possible problems and solve them.

In addition, all the information collected in the working parts also serves to better control the company over what services have been provided, with which client, in what places. You will be able to know perfectly How are your company's tasks evolving and in this way make a better planning.

What should a work piece include?

If what you are looking for is a Example of part of work, in this article we provide you with the necessary information so that you can do so. A part of the work, at the very least, you must include these items:

  • Operator time in service. If several operators have participated in the service, it would be necessary to detail the time that each of them has invested.
  • What has been done in the service. In this section, it is always recommended to include photographs.
  • Service address
  • Date of service
  • Annotations for revisions or maintenance. This is very important information, since if a different operator comes to the service, it will be important for them to know the details.
  • Customer Signature

How to do a piece of work? Step by Step

To do a piece of work, first, you must know the format in which you want to do it, because if you have a task and service management software it will be much easier and you will have a work part model or template.

Traditionally, the working parts have been made on paper, but this is inefficient and, after a while, is lost, so the part is no longer useful. Thanks to task management software and services, it will take longer less time to fill in your parts And you'll have them all in one place and accessible from any device, so consulting them will not be a problem.

To do a part of the work step by step, all you need is to fill in each of the sections that the software provides you, in the case of taclia, these are the fields:

  • Title of the service
  • Customer
  • Project within which the service performed is framed
  • Directorate 
  • Additional address. In case the customer is usually in another place or to perform the service it is necessary to travel.
  • Date
  • If the service was urgent or not
  • Used vehicle. They can detail the model and license plate of the van.
  • Photos, videos and files
  • Description of the part. In this section it is possible to write an extensive text.
  • Internal notes. These will not be seen by the customer when he is allowed to sign the part or that part is sent to him, they are only for members of the company.
  • Date of signature
  • Customer Signature
  • Company signature
  • Send it to your customers in seconds and from wherever you want. This way, you'll look fast and professional.

Remember that you can always add the fields you want and more fit your business activity. These will appear on the devices of all your operators and it will appear that it is mandatory fill in each field to be able to save the form, this way you prevent the parts from being drafted incorrectly.

New schedule regulation

Since 2019 in Spain it is Time control is mandatory in companies, is another way to keep track of the hours your employees spend at work, even counting on breaks. It's important to think about complying with the law and how it can help you: organize improve your company and increase your productivity.

Work parts are a useful way to know how much time your operators have spent on a specific task, but, if what you want is to have more effective control that allows you to perfect the planning of all your services, a task and service management software it will help you.

These types of applications usually bring together the time control of your operators and the templates of workpieces, after all, are applications for you to manage all parts of your company.

Click here to learn more about the new time control law.

Why use an app to create work pieces?

Los task management software and services is the most useful and effective tool for creating working parts. Surely all your operators often use their mobile phones, either to make arrangements or to call and request material. But does everyone fill in the work parts at the end of a service?

These apps provide you with the best working part model for your company, they have all the necessary fields so that the Service is detailed to perfection and you can know what has been done, how, in how long, what unforeseen events have arisen and, in addition, see for yourself thanks to the fact that they allow you to attach photos and videos.

The parts of jobs and services with taclia They can Fill in from your cell phone and send them to the customer quickly from the same application. In addition, saying goodbye to paperwork is always beneficial, if reduce administrative tasks and you save time that you can invest in other activities.

If what you want is Make sure there's nothing left to do is the most effective way to control your company's services.

Click here to learn more about the taclia app.