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Sales techniques: How to sell your products or services without being aggressive?

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Sales techniques upselling, or upsell, are often misunderstood as aggressive or heavy, but this isn't necessarily true.

In fact, whether you were aware of it or not, we've all experienced some form of upsell at one time or another. For example, in a restaurant that offers you different portions at different prices, and therefore if you want a larger dish you will have to pay more; an insurance company that offers additional supplements to its basic coverage or even subscriptions to different platforms.

Companies use additional sales techniques because They work, and both companies and customers They can benefit. With the right techniques, you can Increase revenues of your own business with little effort and at no additional cost, while providing plus worth of product to your customers.

What is the technique of upselling?

Upselling (or Up-Serving) It is a sales technique in which customers are offered additional services or add-ons at a higher price so that more income can be generated.

This could mean commercialize more profitable services or simply make customers aware of the different types of service offered by the company.

For example, if you have a software company, you can use the technique of upselling inviting a customer to upgrade from a basic subscription package to a premium package that offers more functionality.

It is important to note that the technique of upselling it is not an aggressive sales tactic, but rather its target is help customers by offering them more features for a little more money.


What is the technique of Cross-selling?

El Cross-selling It is a different sales tactic but related to the upselling.

In the technique of Cross-selling, the service provider offers an additional solution that would fit well with the service you are already paying for.

For example, a computer store may offer comprehensive insurance to a customer who has just purchased a laptop.


How to sell your services or products? 6 techniques of upselling Most common

Use these six techniques to increase sales for your business.

  • It offers different service packages

To offer three different service packages side-by-side can help you increase sales by providing more valuable options to customers. It is known as “good, best and at the best price”.

By comparing three different services or types of service, your customer gets a clear picture of the value of each package. But, attention! It's important to make sure to include a low-level option, a mid-level option and a high-level option, to adapt to different budgets.

The higher the level, the more services the package will offer.

The key to this technique is a strong pricing strategy than encourage an “upsell” through a sale at a higher price.

If you want customers to buy your average package, it should be priced marginally higher than the lower package and offer a higher value. If you set a price that's too high, customers can choose not to buy the average package and settle for the cheaper option.

  • Suggest additional or extra services

Tell your customers about additional services or upgrades of tools or sections.

For example, you could provide an extra hydrating treatment at a hair salon, a stronger premium part for repairing an appliance or a particular type of fertilizer when mowing the lawn.

Not only thanks to upselling techniques You promote superior buying, you also let your customer know that those extra features What do you mention Do they exist.

  • Inform your customers of all your services

Experts indicate that the increased sales is directly proportional To the Ability of a company within grasp The needs Of their patrons. The six most dreaded words we can hear from a customer are: “I didn't know you did that”, because it indicates that they have already purchased it from another company.

Sometimes all you need to increase sales is inform to your customers about your new services, but you should not forget about promote existing services. After all, if your customers don't know what you're offering, they'll hire the services of another company or buy from another business.

To let your customers know about all your service and product offerings, you can:

  1. Keep the social networks of the company updated with new and existing products or services.
  2. Update the website of the company to include a detailed list of all available services and packages.
  3. Use the email marketing to introduce customers to new offers, upgrade options and more news.

  • Expand your services to solve your customers' problems

An entrepreneur is always looking for ways to expand your services and do wax your business. Observe the needs of your customers is an excellent way to start in order to improve and achieve New patrons.

You should always keep in mind if there are other services you could offer that would benefit your current customers. You should also take into account everything (product or service) that a customer has specifically ordered and that your company has not yet provided, analyze their profitability and, if so, Take it to the market or retrofit existing products to meet those needs.

For example, after noticing that a customer's mobile screen was in poor condition, as an appliance repair company, you may decide to offer screen repairs to increase sales of your computer repair service.


Research, get interested and get informed!


Discover New perks of services it's not always an easy or quick task. In some cases, you may need to investigate a little. To get started:

  • Communicate with your customers regularly to see if there are jobs they need help with. In addition, you can also access information of interest through them, such as possible improvements or new products or services to be implemented. The Feedback it's always positive because it tells us what direction we should take to improve!
  • Send a short survey via email to ask what services your customers are most interested in, so that you can focus your best efforts on them.
  • Pay attention when you're working with a customer to identify new business opportunities. Make sure it's a natural fit with your business and current offerings.
  • Involve your team in the techniques upselling

Tus workers They are the pricey Of you trades. Workers have direct contact with customers and with the workplace. This makes them perfect candidates for pinpoint opportunities additional sales.

So, encourages To you teaming to become more involved in upsells or sales upselling with these tips:

Empower your team to increase sales

Ask them to do a Follow-up of customers with a pair of reunions In order to be able to observe and learn. Create a document of a page that they can take with them and that clearly indicates what they should be aware of and investigate.

In that document, it includes a roster of potential upsells to use as a reference. It clearly states that additional updates or add-ons should only be offered as a way to solve an trouble.

Provide them with the right tools.

Los technological elements they facilitate many of the activities we do during the day, so keep them in mind!

Los Smartphones Or the Tablets make it possible for employees to send a Photo Of the tender of upsell To your customer right away. This can help your customers make a faster decision, as they will have all the information they need to answer their questions and carry it out.

Motivate your employees to make additional sales

Motivate At employees it can help them to be more enthusiastic about additional sales and not relate it to “extra work”. This is how to offer a small perpetration for each “upsell” could go a long way in helping to motivate the team.


  • Use real examples to sell

Provide your customers examples From real life it can help validate the upsell. Usa testimonies, pictures or any other proof that other customers in their situation found the add-on or update being offered valuable.


Sales Tips upselling and best practices

Most likely, you will end up using different techniques upselling in different scenarios. Regardless of the approach you use, maximizes Your pains With these practices which we recommend below.


Focus on your customer's original need

Your client came to you with a specific need in mind. Abrode this trouble In your upsell.

Offering items that stray away from this territory may seem aggressive or even at other times it may seem too assertive.

It is also important to keep in mind that in an additional sale you must offer a product that solves the customer's problem but not force on something much higher that would not be necessary or that covers needs that the customer may not seek to cover.

For example, a customer at a car repair shop calls to fix the air conditioner and the mechanic notices that there are some broken or old parts. A good side sale that the mechanic could make in this situation would be to replace those parts, but he shouldn't try to sell you a completely new air conditioner.


Learn to solve problems with upselling

As we mentioned before, upselling is more than just a simple sales tactic. It's a way to help your customers even more.

When a customer calls you because they need help solving a problem, you and your team are in a position to help them solve or eliminate the problem, so keep this in mind and additional sales will come naturally, you just have to think about what you can do to help your customer even more.

If adding an additional service is going to extend the life of your dishwasher, or keep your hardwood floors shiny, or make it easier or faster to execute a part, let us know! Most likely, they will buy it and will be not only satisfied with their purchase but also grateful to your company for making their lives easier.

Consider the time to perform the upselling technique

An upsell doesn't have to happen while your customer is buying your service. You should consider upsells formerly, during and subsequently of every job or sale.

Before a job or sale: use an initial phone call to investigate the customer's problem. Ask questions to determine all possible solutions. Once you have an idea of the additional services you can offer, include them as optional add-ons and indicate their price so that your customer can decide for themselves. Remember: you are the expert in the sector. Your customers will appreciate your knowledge and insight.

During a job or sale: It's often easier to sell your services in the workplace, since you're working on your customer's problem in a practical way and can see additional sales opportunities more clearly.

After a job or sale: Did you see anything extra during a sale that might help a customer? Send information to the customer about the topic, maybe it might interest them and you can make an additional sale.

Facilitate upsells with the right technology

With the tools suitable to help you raise The sales, you'll never feel like an aggressive or even heavy seller. Be sure to research and obtain information from your customers through a CRM to help you make genuine service recommendations.

Through a CRM, it's easier to include optional add-ons or functionality that customers can approve with a single click.

taclia as CRM software

taclia's service software will provide you with the tools you need to boost your additional sales.

taclia is an example of the different CRM management software and ERP of companies that we can find in the market.

taclia allows you to carry out a complete managing Of your invoices and budgets, as well as controlling the services, employees and patrons and vendors of your company, in a very simple way. This software allows you to system customization to the needs of your company, as well as having your customers, suppliers and employees connected in one place.


Don't forget to follow up

If your upsell attempt doesn't work initially, don't worry. Sometimes it takes a little longer for customers to decide to buy a new service or purchase an upgrade.

A tip: Add a note in your customer file and set up a reminder to follow up in a week. Then send a email to the customer describing your referrals and includes a presupposed And pictures. Your customer may be more receptive to upselling once they've had a chance to think about it more calmly.


Use upsells to grow your business

With the right techniques in play, upselling is a great way to make more money while providing more value to products in the opinion of customers.

Whether you choose to offer different packages, tools, or services, it's easy to get the job done when you focus on problem solving.

Just make sure prioritize The needs Of customer. And remember! Las strong relationships And the trust are key ingredients in upsells.