
Example of work parts well done


A well-done work report provides your company with the necessary organization and efficiency to operate correctly. Generally, it is a task that operators tend to do quickly and without giving it too much importance, but for the employer, it is the way to control all tasks and services carried out in the company thoroughly.

Paper has been the traditional support for work reports with the disadvantages they accumulate, such as the difficulty of organizing them when dealing with a large volume of reports, the possibilities of losing said reports, and the other administrative tasks that accompany them.

In this article, we provide you with a work report model and explain how a task and service management software can help your company's organization and productivity when your operators fill out the reports.

What is a work report?

Work reports are a type of form that collects information about the tasks carried out by the operator in the service. Normally, the necessary service data is included to know what has been done and how long it took.

A well-done work report serves to improve your company's productivity since through them you can have thorough control over how your operators work and, in case of inefficiency, detect possible problems and find solutions.

Furthermore, all the information gathered in the work reports also helps to better control the company regarding which services have been provided, with which clients, in which locations. You will be able to know perfectly how your company's tasks are evolving and thus make better planning.

What should a work piece include?

If you are looking for an example of a work report, in this article we provide you with the necessary information to create one. A work report, at the very least, should include these items:

  • Operator's time in the service. If several operators participated in the service, it would be necessary to detail the time each of them invested.
  • What was done in the service. In this section, it is always recommended to include photographs.
  • Service address
  • Service date
  • Notes for revisions or maintenance. This is very important information since if a different operator attends the service, it will be important for them to know the details.
  • Customer's signature

How to do a piece of work? Step by step

To create a work report, first, you must know the format in which you want to create it, as if you have a task and service management software, it will be much simpler, and you will have a work report model or template.

Traditionally, work reports have been done on paper, but this is inefficient and can be lost over time, making the report useless. Thanks to task and service management software, you will spend less time filling out your reports, have them all in one place, and access them from any device, so consulting them will not be a problem.

To create a work report step by step, all you need to do is fill in each of the sections provided by the software. In the case of taclia, these fields are:

  • Service title
  • Client
  • Project within which the service is carried out
  • Address
  • Additional address. In case the client is in a different location or if traveling is necessary to provide the service.
  • Date
  • If the service was urgent or not
  • Vehicle used. You can detail the model and license plate of the van.
  • Photos, videos, and files
  • Description of the report. In this section, you can write an extensive text.
  • Internal notes. These will not be seen by the client when they are allowed to sign the report or when the report is sent to them; they are only for company members.
  • Date of the signature
  • Customer's signature
  • Company's signature
  • Send them to your clients in seconds and from wherever you want. This way, you will appear quick and professional.

Remember that you can always add the fields you desire and that best suit your business activity. These will appear on all your operators' devices, and they will be prompted to fill in each field to save the form correctly, thus preventing inaccuracies in the reports.

New schedule regulation

Since 2019, it is mandatory in Spain to control working hours in companies. It is another way to monitor the hours your employees spend at work, including breaks. It is important to consider complying with the law and how this can help you better organize your company and increase its productivity.

Work reports are a useful way to find out how much time your operators have spent on a specific task. However, if you want to maintain more effective control to improve the planning of all your services, a task and service management software will help.

These types of applications typically combine the time control of your operators and work report templates since they are applications designed to manage all aspects of your company.

Click here to learn more about the new time control law.

Why use an app to create work pieces?

Task and service management software is the most useful and effective tool for creating work reports. Surely, all your operators often use their mobile phones, whether for management or to make calls and request materials. But do they all fill out work reports when a service is completed?

These applications provide you with the best work report model for your company and include all necessary fields to detail the service perfectly. This way, you can know exactly what was done, how, how long it took, which unforeseen events occurred, and verify it yourself by attaching photos and videos.

Work reports and services with taclia can be filled out from the mobile app and sent to the customer quickly from the same application. Additionally, saying goodbye to paperwork is always beneficial, administrative tasks are reduced, and you save time that can be invested in other activities.

If you want to ensure that nothing is left undone, this is the most effective way to monitor your company's services.

Click here to learn more about the taclia app.

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