
Hiring technicians for your company: what you need to know


The service industry continues to increase the demand for workers. We saw this during the pandemic when it was a sector that never stopped working. On the other hand, sometimes it is difficult to find qualified workers to hire.

Many companies struggle to find technicians for essential services such as electricity, plumbing, water treatment, and air conditioning systems. The solution is to offer incentives, a competitive salary, and good working conditions so that the best technicians become part of your company.

Services offer people a solid professional career, it is a stable job where you can progress and increase your salary as the years go by. But, of course, it is necessary for companies to value their workers as they deserve.

What to include in a technician job offer?

The job offer will depend on what is being sought, generally it is necessary to specify the characteristics of the job. For example, if you are looking for an air conditioning technician, you must specify the category, whether it is first, second, or third.

Moreover, typical basic requirements should also be specified, such as whether a driver's license is required, the necessary qualifications, licenses or certificates, or if they need to have their own tools.

The most important thing is to include all the requirements and skills that you think of when imagining the technician in the job offer, this way you will save time and money by interviewing only candidates who meet these requirements.

What skills does a technician require?

In addition to having experience, technicians must be people who inspire the client's trust and be friendly, as they represent the company to the client. They must be resourceful individuals and also know how to efficiently manage time since they may have to work on different services in a day.

As a service technician, it is important for the worker to communicate clearly because they will be interacting with the public daily and should maintain a conversation in order to successfully carry out their work. Listening to the customers' concerns is essential to propose solutions.

If it helps, you can focus on the values ​​that your company has to determine what skills you want the candidate to possess. If one of your company's values ​​is humility, being kind will be highly valued. If it is climate consciousness, you will look for someone who cares about renewable energies.

What incentives attract technicians

One of the most effective ways to motivate your workers is through their salary, in this sense, incentives can be key. These not only serve to attract new workers and retain the existing ones, but also improve the workers' performance and, therefore, the company's profits.

There are different ways to incentivize workers, one of the most popular being performance or target-related rewards given when an employee meets the objectives within the set time frame. This is usually applied to long-term projects and motivates the technician to meet deadlines.

How to empower newly hired technicians?

Sometimes, new team members are expected to perform at the same level as workers who have been in the company for years, or even better. It is important to understand that entering a new company involves a series of changes and different ways of doing things that require support for new workers.

First, the new employees need to fully understand how the company operates, it is crucial for them to know the organization, work processes, and other procedures.

If the new employee will be responsible for selling the product or has any relation with potential long-term customers, it is important that one of the first training sessions is dedicated to sales. Providing the new employee with the tools they need to increase the company's sales will be key.

With the taclia app, you can keep track of your employees on a daily basis, allowing you to know what they are doing at all times, where and for which customer. Organize your tasks and services, contact your suppliers, automatically prepare your invoices and much more with taclia.

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