
What is an ERP?


An ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. They are a set of software that together serve to automate the tasks of companies related to production and organisational processes. What they do is to facilitate and centralise the information of all the sectors of our company such as finance, human resources, services, clients, projects and marketing in the same place.

ERP software is very useful because it is modular and scalable, which means that it is never too small or too small. As your company grows, the software grows with it so that you cannot stagnate.

ERP software is based on the centralisation and unification of data, which saves you the loss of data, as well as the time that you probably now invest in searching for past records or customer data that you have not worked with for some time. Therefore, they save you time that you can invest in other tasks, allowing you to have all your business in the same place and accessible from anywhere.

What is an ERP for

ERP is used to plan business resources. Nowadays, it is the cornerstone of many companies that manage all their daily tasks easily and quickly with the help of ERP software.

It connects all kinds of daily business tasks, inventory and order management, finance, customer service and more. That's why it's one of the best tools for optimising your business processes, such as budgeting and invoicing. Also, to make decisions quickly, for example, about inventory, since you have an updated and quick to analyse record.

ERP software also allows you to take better control of your company, because you can easily and quickly access any information you need without having to search through thousands of filing cabinets. On the other hand, it serves to reduce business costs, since the organisation makes tasks more optimised and the time spent on them more effective. Of course, it serves to increase the profitability of the company, everything we have mentioned above contributes to this.

Types of ERP

Depending on the management needs of your company, there are several types of ERP, vertical ERP and horizontal ERP. We explain them to you!

Horizontal ERP

It is an ERP that covers the normal management processes of any company, usually used to manage collections, customers, suppliers, employees, tasks and services. They are those softwares that allow you to manage your company's accounting, marketing, production and also human resources, among others. They are quite versatile and comprehensive.

Of course, you can always choose which areas you want to manage with the software and which ones you do not. However, the most interesting thing about ERP software is being able to manage all areas of the company from a single place. In addition, they are software that adapts 100% to the business that requests it, they are modular and allow you flexibility.

Vertical ERP

Vertical ERPs, unlike horizontal ERPs, are those that are designed for a specific sector. It has the most basic parts of a horizontal ERP, but with specific functionalities for a specific business sector.

They tend to be more expensive ERPs because they require a higher level of complexity, although as they provide great benefits to the company this is not usually a problem. This is usually the case for companies such as real estate, training or similar.

They are characterised by their adaptability to address specific processes of companies in a particular sector, they are custom-designed, but this can be a disadvantage, because they are not flexible and do not allow scalability, because, in principle, they are already designed to adapt to the company.

How to implement an ERP in your company

To implement an ERP in your company effectively, it is necessary to follow a series of phases:

  • Planning. First, you must analyse the needs of your company and decide which software is best suited to it.
  • Business analysis.You must also know how your business works, what are the production and work processes that you follow to implement ERP solutions, so you will know what improvements you need and if the software is suitable for it.
  • Configuration. At this point, you must know how to adapt the ERP software to the needs of the company that you have previously analysed. You will probably have to carry out tests and tweak details.
  • Start-up. The most important part of the implementation is to analyse its consequences, above all, to know if it is working or not and to see which are the weaknesses in order to improve it.

The taclia software

With taclia you can manage your company's tasks and services, customers, suppliers, sales, invoices and budget and more quickly and easily. And you don't need any previous experience.

If you want to know more about taclia, click here.

The taclia software is the solution to manage your business and customers digitally, paperless and from a single place. Managing your tasks and services is one of the features you will appreciate most about taclia, but there is more, you can comply with the law with the time and attendance functionality or automatically calculate invoices and budgets with taclia.

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