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5 strategies to keep your employees motivated and involved

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Worker motivation is directly related to their yield. But not only that, the fact that the team feels that they belong to a project that motivates them and that keeps them satisfied with what they do every day is essential for a company to be successful.

On the other hand, if your team is committed to the company, new ideas and challenges will become the fundamental pillar for business growth, accompanied by a improvement of the business image.

Here are some of the strategies that can help your employees to be motivated and involved with the business project:

Make their work meaningful

It has been demonstrated that a person who does not do the job for which they are qualified ends up demotivating themselves. You must ensure that each member of your team performs those tasks that best suit your abilities and capacities to make your business relationship lasting and satisfying.

But not only that, spend part of your time letting the staff know the objective of the company and that everyone”you row in the same direction” to fulfill it. You can achieve this by informing your team about what is expected of them at work and, if you offer them the necessary resources to achieve this, you will maintain that environment of satisfaction that helps them so much to continue growing.

Often, employees leave the company because they don't understand the “why” of their work, their objectives are poorly defined and their tasks change randomly without making any sense. It's important that they know What is your purpose in the company and how they must act to comply with it.

Be realistic about free time

Employees are increasingly looking for more than monetary reward, because time is precious and, after confinement, we are much more clear about it. El Wellness and health both physically and mentally benefit greatly when we offer necessary rest and leisure time. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, you must take this into account.

Listening to employees is always key; when you do, you'll discover that many people are betting on having a bigger monitoring of their own time, therefore, of increasing the flexible hours of the company. Something that usually worries employers when an employee asks for paternity or maternity leave, but that should always be possible.

In addition, free time is one of the most important factors for increase productivity of the team, if they are happy and satisfied to belong to your company, their way of working and, therefore, their results, will improve.

It offers a clear path to success

La business motivation it also focuses on the opportunities your employees have to grow within the business. If your team knows that with effort and dedication they can improve their position in the company, their salary and their working conditions, it will increase their undertaking With the business objectives.

In companies it is common to create professional development plans in which the employee's abilities are evaluated and different objectives are set for their career, developing strategies and defining the tools necessary to meet those goals.

With these types of strategies, you ensure that your team knows their goals in the company and works to achieve them. Allowing workers to increase their knowledge and skills will enable the team to face greater challenges and achieve new positions within the business.

Give bonuses for outstanding work

Incentives are a way of rewarding work performance and, in addition, they help companies both to Retain talent how to attract new ones. One of the most common ways to do this is by offering a Plus in monthly salary for different reasons related to the fulfillment of work objectives.

For example, there is the Productivity bonus, an extra compensation in the salary that is fixed according to the results obtained. It is usually applied both at the individual and departmental levels and helps to keep the team motivated.

Although there are other ways to reward a job well done that do not involve extra compensation, such as:

  • Recognize your accomplishments
  • Provide better tools to meet objectives
  • Time flexibility
  • Enable continuing education subsidizing courses and workshops that they can attend
  • Listen to what they have to tell you And change what's in your hand
  • Helping to maintain a good working environment encouraging teamwork
  • Assign them new responsibilities 
  • Suggest group activities, there are companies that organize football matches or padel tournaments
  • Have details with them on specific dates, such as at Christmas

Remember that these forms of recognition help to: increase the productivity of your team.

Hire smartly using Human Resources technology

Improving the functioning of the human resources department is now possible thanks to the scanning. Normally, the implementation of these tools ends up having a positive effect on all departments of the company and they have multiple uses.

There are tools that are used to automate repetitive tasks Those that are in charge of from the RR. HR of any company, how to manage employee absences or vacations, the collection of routine information or the preparation of statistics that allow us to know the state of the company and make better decisions related to the template.

For Human Resources, the personnel recruitment processes, so using tools that facilitate and speed them up is always positive. Currently, technology makes it possible to cover the entire personnel selection process with application support, from personnel screening to recruitment.

Why recruit staff using Human Resources technology?

It is generally difficult to find the right amount of staff to be able to carry out a good personnel selection process, so using a software Being able to help you is essential. Another option is to outsource these services to a company that already uses this type of software and has experience in the sector.

Softwares are used to organize and streamline recruitment processes, with reminders both for the company and for the candidate, gathering the information relevant to the candidate and centralizing all the work in a single place accessible to the entire department.

In many cases, companies They subcontract the selection processes for third parties, companies with extensive knowledge of selection channels and the best methods to follow to hire personnel, with the aim of avoiding the investment necessary to cover this type of process.

Is it worth investing in business culture?

Investing in business culture is a complicated task that requires time and effort but which is essential for maintaining a good working environment. When we talk about business culture, we talk about the set of values, norms, thinking and ways of acting that all members of a company share. It is one of the most forgotten ways to implement improvements in companies and, at the same time, one of the most effective to increase staff happiness.

Business culture must be evaluated and measured in order to change it. Some of the most used techniques are surveys anonymous to the staff who serve to know the opinions and feelings of your company's staff.

La sighting It is another good technique to know what the working environment of your company is like, since many times what may be a obstacle they are small details that you hadn't noticed, such as a failure in the printer that doesn't allow you to work comfortably.

Remember that investing in business culture does not always involve an economic expense, since to improve the most immediate aspects reflected in the surveys, it will be enough to worry about what is happening in your company and gradually improve what helps to achieve a satisfactory working climate.