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Why is using time control templates in Excel a bad idea?

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La Mandatory time control in Spain it came into force a few years ago and, since then, many companies have been looking for faster and more efficient way to carry out this task. The more traditional ones have seen Excel spreadsheets or paper as a good option, the problem is that any small error in them or, simply, not remembering where they were saved can result in a big fine for the company.

Time control, for most companies, is something to which more time is spent than it should as a result of continuing to use methods that do not help to speed up the process. However, more and more SMEs are opting for the digitalization of this process implementing time control software.

With time control software, companies avoid carrying out this registration manually and, each employee, with the help of an application and its cellphone, is responsible for recording your working day on a daily basis. The application organizes the data by the company and, above all, Information is not lost.

Why do many companies prefer paper and Excel for time control?

Companies that continue to use paper or Excel spreadsheets for time control have their reasons, but it is something that, apart from occupying a weather that they could implement in other tasks, it is increasingly dangerous at the level legal.

We explain to you the Reasons why some SMEs prefer paper and Excel for time control:

Lack of clarity and implementation of the new law

The recording of the working day or what we call workers' time control has been mandatory in Spain since 2019, in the Official State Gazette we can find the Decree Law. The problem with the law is that the implementation was intended to be done abruptly, without any prior preparation for companies. This led many companies to do so quickly, without having studied the law or best ways to apply it in your company.

For this reason, many SMEs chose to continue with the systems of Record of the working day that they were already using as paper or through Excel time control templates.

There is no initial cost

For some companies it turns out to be the most economical option, since it does not have a Initial cost such as time control software. However, in the long term, the cost can be reflected in the time invested in creating these records.


On the other hand, some companies look reluctantly at digitalization because, although many applications do not need any type of previous experience, when starting to use something new you have to learn and, they prefer to continue with the traditional method they already know.

Does not leave traces

There are cases of companies in which the modification of schedules Or the Non-payment of overtime is common, so the easiest way to commit this violation is through paper or Excel time control templates. Los time control software they do not allow modifications to be made and, in addition, they leave a trace of everything that is carried out in the company.

The risk of Excel templates and paper to record your workers' working hours

These are some of the stakes for your company of the Record of the working day manually:

Lack of guarantees and accuracy

Paper or Excel does not guarantee that the recording of the working day Don't change, something illegal under time control regulations. On the other hand, it's much easier to make mistakes or Make mistakes with this method of time control that if each worker does it through a time control app at the beginning and end of their working day.

In addition, it is also mandatory Include breaks or pauses that operators do, something that is more complicated manually, since, since they cannot sign up instantly, it is common for them to forget to do so.

There is no periodicity

Recording the working hours of your workers in the traditional way can cause the record to be unstable, some weeks correct and others imprecise. In addition, for communication between employer and worker to be as fruitful as possible, it is essential provide you with a copy on a regular basis, something that is impossible if the time control is not recorded correctly on a daily basis.

Increase in work absenteeism

Manual time control is never reliable, it can be modified at any time or not recorded daily without anyone suspecting. And, as if that weren't enough, it leaves no record of absenteeism from work. With a time control software you will be able to know and put an end to absenteeism from work by confirming that your operators are at their place of work with one click.

Click here to learn more about how to reduce absenteeism in your company. 

A roller coaster ride for the company and the worker

The role implies the obligation to have a physical file where to keep it that, in addition to occupying space, it is important not to lose, could represent a serious problem at the legal level. In addition, organizing paper documents is never pleasant. With a time control software you save time by recording and checking the working hours of your workers and you have all the information in one place and accessible from any device.

It is common for companies to generate conflicts as a result of a poor record of time control by workers, but the fact is that paper requires them to always carry the registration sheet and a pen, so it is often done either not or done in an inaccurate way. Nowadays, we all have mobile phones and just as we can send a message or make a call, it's just as easy to select a time in a time control app.

The new solution to have time control of your workers

If what you are looking for is the best app for signing up at work, taclia it is the easiest solution to have automated time control, save time and increase productivity of your company. Plus, you'll be complying with the law without worry.

El task and service management software of taclia, which also incorporates time control, has multiple advantages, one of them, which helps reduce absenteeism in your company, you will be able to confirm that your workers are in the assigned services through the application. In addition, you can better organize your operators seeing the hours they have worked and the remaining hours.

With the taclia app you can access the management of your tasks and services, workers and more from any device and from anywhere. All of this no need for previous experience and with the help of video tutorials that will accompany you in the process of getting started with the app.