
What is corporate image and how can it benefit you?


Corporate image is the best way to advertise your brand and sell more. If you take care of your employees' image and your team does the same with you, you will succeed in having both your consumers and the general public think of you when they need any service or product that you sell.

To have a good corporate image, you need to invest time and capital, but the benefits you will receive will be immense. Achieve affinity with your brand, increase the value of your brand, enhance the credibility of your clients and potential clients with your company, and attract talent.

In this article, we will tell you what the benefits of corporate image are for your company and what types of corporate image exist so that you can think about how to apply it to your company.

What is corporate image

Corporate image is all those attitudes, values, and beliefs that customers and the general public have about your brand. This perception is usually shaped through your company's products and services.

To define it more simply, we can say that it is the image that society has of your company. This image is not random and will always depend on what you, as a company, have done and how your consumers and the general public have received it.

Corporate image serves for your customers to easily identify your products or services, by some distinctive characteristic. They increase the brand value because it generates affinity with consumers, in some cases they feel identified and like to consume for some specific reason. Additionally, it attracts talent, as if your brand has value more people will want to be part of it.

We can say that these are the elements of corporate image:

  • It is not static. It changes with time because it is a perception.
  • It is an attitude of the customer towards the brand.
  • You must take care of it so that it does not turn against you.
  • It is one of the most important parts to please and attract new clients to your company.
  • It consists of a series of implicit messages in all the products and services of the company.
  • It always depends on the client and their needs.

Benefits of corporate image

These are some of the benefits of corporate image:


For the corporate image to generate credibility, your whole company must be in sync with it. This requires a great effort, as you must ensure that your entire team moves in the same direction.

Corporate credibility is based on trust between customers and the company, in that consumers trust the products and services you sell. To build it, you just have to make sure that your customers are 100% satisfied with your services.

Affinity with the brand

The main objective of the corporate image is to create a direct effect on people, typically making them feel identified and therefore creating an affinity bond between customers and the company.

For the corporate image of your company to succeed, you must know perfectly your potential consumers and their needs, thus ensuring that they fit easily with your brand. Take into account the sector in which your company specializes and put yourself in the consumer's shoes to identify how the perfect product or service would be presented for them to buy.

Create alliances

Brand image is always one of the best ways to advertise your company. If you seek to collaborate with other companies or individuals such as influencers who advertise your products and services, you need the credibility that a brand image provides and something that your potential advertisers can identify with.

Increase brand value

The value of your brand depends on both tangible and intangible elements. In this case, the brand image is an intangible element characterized by the level of affinity that your customers have with your company. The better the corporate image, the more affinity your consumers have towards it and more sales, thus increasing the value of your brand.

Identification of the service or product

It is essential that your product or service is recognized without the need for advertising, because you have managed to make people identify it. Additionally, establishing yourself as the best provider when your potential consumers need something related to your company will be essential to increase your sales. This is the case of well-known brands such as Apple or Coca Cola.

Types of corporate image

We can classify corporate image into subjective, objective, perceived, and disseminated corporate image.

  • Subjective corporate image: is the image of the company that employees have.
  • Objective corporate image: is the company's goal, the corporate image it intends to have and for which it works day by day.
  • Perceived corporate image: is the image that consumers and potential consumers, the general public, have of your company.
  • Disseminated corporate image: is the image created by the products and services of your company.

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