
Why should you create a blog for your brand?


You may have noticed by now that to stand out from the competition, you must offer quality content and having your own blog is a plus for this. If you haven't dared to create your first post yet, you're in the right place.

You will have noticed by now that in order to stand out from the competition, you must offer quality content and having your own blog is a plus for this. If you haven't dared to create your first post yet, you are in the right place.

At taclia, we encourage you to start creating your own space, as this will help you build a community not only with your customers but with anyone interested in your business/sector.

Innovating, offering content on topics related to your sector, showing how your company can help other brands, discussing current affairs, sharing tips... All these aspects will make you unique, more attractive, and make others want to know who you are.

Creating your blog and being consistent will be key:

1. You demonstrate that you are an expert in your field

This generates interest from other businesses. Users will turn to you for information. You gain trust and a clearer vision of the future.

2. You differentiate yourself from the rest and generate long-term results

All the traffic that this blog post generates can directly enter your website and purchase your products or services.

3. You create a community

Attract new customers and more people get to know what you do.

To start building this goal, try using free tools like WordPress or Blogger. These two options are easy to maintain if you don't want to invest some of your money in content. Here's what they entail:


It is a website builder that offers you a variety of designs and templates, helps other users find you due to its good positioning, and allows you to include external websites like your social media, contact forms, among others.

You just have to create an account, customize your website, and start creating content. We recommend exploring its admin panel (where you will edit your tool and use all the plugins WordPress suggests).


It is a Google tool ideal for beginners in website creation. You will have access to other Google services like Google Analytics and you can link your website with your blog.

Create your account, choose a name that will identify your blog, select a template for your content, and start creating!

With these, you won't need previous training, you'll save on funding, and you can get inspired by the resources they offer.

And how can taclia help you manage your blog content?

Don't forget that the frequency of publication is crucial! You must keep track of your posts and create strategies to make your blog really work. With taclia:

1. Create tasks to organize your publications.

2. Attach all relevant information from your blogs.

3. Assign team members to write them.

This is an example of a task for you to see everything you can include in it.

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