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How to create a successful Instagram account for your business?

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One of the social networks Most popular Nowadays it is Instagram, for this reason, more and more companies are deciding to join this network to increase sales of their brand. In addition, advertising through Instagram continues to grow, which has become evident with the rise of Influencers. What are you waiting for to create your business account?

Instagram has many advantages and that is that leaving aside the visibility What can you give to your company, it's a social network easy to use that allows you to create content in many ways, from ephemeral stories that last 24 hours, to permanent publications or short 30-second videos.

If you are a firm, you can create a specific profile that allows you to advertise and even sell your products or services directly from the application, as well as to have control of the viability of your account and the interactions of potential customers with it.

Why use Instagram to publicize your company?

Instagram offers companies a great opportunity to get their brand objectives, as well as increasing your notoriety among its potential consumers. Currently, there are more than 200 million business profiles on Instagram and more than 2 million advertisers use the application to increase their sales.

As if that wasn't a good enough reason, more than half of the users From Instagram discover products new through the application and 75% of these Interact with the product after the discovery.

It is clear that Instagram is an excellent tool for developing a digital marketing strategy, but to do so you must have basic knowledge. In this article, you will discover the Keys to business success and Increase your sales thanks to the application.

How to create a business account on Instagram? Step by Step

  • Go to”Configuration
  • Search”Account
  • And tap on”Switch to a professional account
  • Now, you must choose the category that better describes your company and select”Company
  • Then fill in the contact information so that customers can easily contact you; you can include the phone number and email
  • If you wish, You can connect your business account with your Facebook page, if you do you will be able to use all the functions available for businesses
  • You already have your business account created!

Some of the main advantages of a business account vs. a personal one is access to Insights or statistics. So you can see Who interacts with your Instagram profile, keep track of your yield in the application and access tools only for professionals.

Click here to learn more about business profiles on Instagram. 

7 recommendations for success on Instagram

Here are some of the best techniques for be successful on Instagram with your business profile:

Prepare a communication plan

To achieve a successful communication strategy on Instagram you should start with the communication plan. To structure the document, you can follow these steps that will help you organize your company's first steps on the social network.

  • Set the objectives: before starting you should ask yourself what you want to achieve with it, it's important because the reasons will make the strategies one or the other. La SMART methodology can help you in fixing them. For example, if you want to be more popular, your SMART goals could be:some text
    • Specific: get more followers.
    • Measurable: have at least 300 followers in a month and 3 positive comments on each post.
    • Achievable: get followers from 40 to 60 years old who are interested in home decoration.
    • Achievable: to have 10% of Instagram Spain's users aged 40 to 60.
    • Temporary: achieve it in the first month.
  • Who is your buyer?: to know and define your potential buyer is essential to be successful, so you can know what tools work with them, for example, what vocabulary to use, what type of content to create, etc. To get to know your Buyer It may help you to implement a CRM software in your company.
  • Analyze the competition: do Benchmarking To know your competition is essential, so you'll know what's working and what's not. Of course, don't copy it, just use it for reference.
  • Define the editorial line: the editorial line is the standards that must be followed so that the content you publish is consistent with your objectives, that generates trust and credibility to your potential consumers, is what is known as Feed. Define the format of the publications, the colors, the typography, the images you will use and the tone in which you will refer to consumers.
  • Do analysis of results: use the tools that the company profile provides you; it will help you to know if you are growing in the application and, therefore, your digital marketing strategy works, or not. Here are some of the analyses that the application does for you: some text
    • Number of impressions and scope of publication or Story 
    • Number of followers gained over time that you determine for yourself
    • Age, gender and origin of your followers
    • Number of clicks on the link in your profile or the one you have included in a Story 
    • Number of times a post has been shared or Story

Create quality content

To begin with, you should set the days and times of publication. To do this, you must upload publications and when you have gained the type of audience that is of interest to you, review the application statistics, there you'll see when they connect the most, divided by hours and days of the week. However, keep in mind that the Instagram algorithm makes posts have more Engagement During the First hour of publication.

As for publications, many companies use the rule 4:3:2. Draw a square with 9 smaller squares, write a 4, then a 3 and then a 2 in each square (you must write the sequence 3 times to fill the 9 squares) and distribute the type of publication you will create according to the number. For the 4 you can choose content from interest for your customers, in the 3 for content that generates interplay with your audience and, in the 2, for content that Promote your product. So you'll have Valuable content, conversation with your client and self-advertising.

Use the Stories for different functions: you can Recommend techniques or provide tricks, Tell something or show your team and, Create expectation about a new product or service that you are planning to launch. All this through videos, gifs, emojis and different fonts. In addition, you can highlight those Stories that they are from the same group so that they last more than 24 hours.

Automate publications

Automating posts can help you not spend your day connected and have the application do it for you. To do this, there are tools where you can schedule The publication and the time you want it to be uploaded to Instagram.

One of the most popular is Facebook Studio Creator What allows you create, publish and manage your content through the computer. It's intuitive and Simple, and it also provides you with inspiration and Statistics about your benefits all from one place.

Generate Engagement with your audience

To generate Engagement with your potential customers, in addition to publishing the days and times when they are contacted, you can boost your posts to appear in the top positions of their Instagram if you manage to Interact with you.

To do this, you need to make use of the surveys, the Countdown Or the Answer boxes. In this way, if they participate, you will have generated a bond with your potential customers that the algorithm will use to your advantage to make it stronger and stronger.

Use the marketing of Influencers

Los Influencers they are one of the fundamental legs of Instagram and thousands of companies use them as their main advertising channel. Collaborating with these people can be one of the keys to growing your business, in the end people We trust what other people tell us And, this type of advertising seems much more to us Honest that the one we see on television.

El marketing of Influencers It can help you Reach more people, that's why it's important that you choose a Influencer that has as followers those you need. In addition, these professionals usually create conversation on the network and will help you to make potential customers interact with your brand Thanks to Likes, contests, raffles, comments and so on.

On the other hand, how Influencers they are usually a source of information for users reliably, having one of them sponsor you can Improve the branding of your company. As a bridge between the brand and Instagram users, showing a product, in addition to all the benefits that we have told you before, will surely make Increase your customer base.

Instagram ads

Instagram ads are a good feature so that your products and services, as well as your own account, appear to potential customers who don't know you yet. Of course, to make successful ads you need quality and something else:

  • Usa Hashtags: tag your sponsored posts with Hashtags more popular, this will increase interactions.
  • Write short, clear and concise texts: The time we spend reading Instagram ads is very limited, so be clear about what message you want to send and how to do it in an attractive way.
  • Modernize yourself: your announcements (either through a post, Stories or videos) should follow the trends of the social network; try different styles and use statistics to see what works best. But most of all, seek inspiration.
  • Quality photos: if you want to demonstrate quality and seriousness, your images must be professional, for this you can rely on those offered in image banks or, if you want to invest a little more, hire a photographer.

Conduct sweepstakes and contests

In-app sweepstakes and contests are becoming increasingly popular, helping other people to know you, follow you and, most importantly for the algorithm: interact with your content.

These are some of the benefits of creating giveaways and contests on Instagram:

  • Attract new users: keep in mind which one is your Buyer, then select a Influencer or another brand (not your competition) to collaborate by running a contest together. In this way, and thanks to the fact that the conditions to participate in it will be that they give you Follow, you will get followers and, surely, new customers. In addition, the more followers you have, the more potential customers you will reach.
  • Promote products or services: one of the best ways to advertise your products or services through the application is to generate that interest through a raffle. In this type of marketing strategy, you can ask the winners to make a review later and share it on your profile, so other customers will see what a person like them thinks of your product.
  • Build loyalty to your community: you can raffle discount coupons for your customers, so you'll build loyalty and turn them into the best prescribers of your brand. This also enhances the relationship between the customer and the company because it generates trust and the customer is satisfied.

How to sell on Instagram?

Selling products or services through Instagram is simple, you just need to have created your business account and follow these steps:

  • Go to”Configuration
  • Select”Shopping
  • Click on”Continue
  • Select the products or services What do you want to connect to your Instagram profile
  • AND voila!

Of course, to sell on Instagram Do you need an e-commerce, if your company only sells products in person, you will have to make some changes to take advantage of this functionality.

How to tag products to sell on Instagram step by step

  • Choose a photo and add the text
  • Click on the product you want to label to sell
  • Type the name of the products you label
  • Select it in the search box that will be displayed
  • Then click on preview, so you'll see what the final result looks like before you publish it
  • Publish it

Instagram allows you to tag a maximum of 5 products in each image and, if it's a carousel, up to 20.