
Learn how centralization helps you reduce your workload


In the corporate world the contribution of centralization has generally been underestimated. This is a valuable strategy that will help you save work.

A company is a system whose efficiency depends on the functioning of all its parts, not separately, but as a gear that maintains the unit. Centralization comes into play here; since the objective of that unit is to optimize productivity to maximize economic performance.

These results don't come out of nowhere; It is necessary to implement administrative strategies that improve business management. These must guarantee the lowest expenditure of resources such as work effort; savings that translate into fewer associated costs and less time invested in the execution of processes.

The more centralization, the less work

This basically consists of concentrating authority, decision-making and processes in a specific group and place. But, you might wonder how that directly influences a decrease in work. Here you will see how it is possible:

  • Reduce empiricism. This involves organization. This involves the implementation of protocols that standardize procedures. Which makes operations more fluid.
  • Streamlines decision making. Decision making is concentrated in senior management. That is, less bureaucracy, fewer signatures to collect, less effort and time.
  • Improves work productivity. Everyone is clear about their role and responsibilities within the company.

These factors interact, generating the conditions to reduce the workload. Standardizing procedures speeds up the execution of activities, saving time and effort. While quick decision making avoids the accumulation of work.

Specific advantages offered by a centralized office

All administrative models have in common the search for organizational efficiency. We are talking about making the most of available resources, to achieve objectives with the lowest possible expense. As is known, the most valuable resource of any company is the human resource.

Without people, financial, material or technological resources are of little use. Therefore, the benefits of effective centralization are focused on personnel.  Here we list some:

  1. You know to whom, where and how to be accountable.
  2. Physical proximity allows direct communication.
  3. Not having to travel constantly to attend work meetings.
  4. Contact with the rest of the staff is much closer.
  5. The uniformity of the processes makes work easier, avoiding loss of time.
  6. There is no risk of the same task being performed twice.

Centralization and the business management system

Centralizing, today, goes beyond concentrating power in a few. Therefore, it must adapt to the communications era. This implies accepting the challenge of implementing a Business Management System that supports the centralized model.

An EMS is a useful tool that allows you to digitize all business information regardless of its size. This database helps to manage all departments of the company in a centralized manner.

Easy access to information streamlines all processes, staff works under less pressure and fewer errors are made. Likewise, employees do not have to go from one department to another looking for information for their work. In short, it is an instrument to take into account if you want a completely centralized company.

We can help you with these changes

We at taclia offer specialized advice for those changes that you want to implement in your company if you don't know how to start. We offer software that allows you to centralize the management of daily tasks, equipment, external companies and all the resulting management: budgets, reports, data and invoices. Forget about managing your business in different ways and learn the advantages of opting for centralized control of all the daily activity of your company.

Optimal centralization must also be supported by the physical conditioning of spaces and equipment. It is about making changes that facilitate the implementation of the new model, creating the appropriate environment. So that a lighter work day is not associated with loss of efficiency.

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